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2024-03-29 21:07:20

Work has been really busy lately, but we can’t forget about #CDFriday with #TheCure! This is the newly remastered and expanded edition of “Paris”, originally recorded in October, 1992.

A photo of the album cover for “Paris” by The Cure features a closeup image of Robert Smith’s face with his bright red lipstick in front of a microphone. The colors are kinda washed out giving it a dreamy feeling.
2024-02-27 23:30:52

Filing: Nintendo sues the makers of Switch emulator Yuzu in US federal court, alleging it is designed to circumvent Nintendo's encryption and facilitates piracy (Sean Hollister/The Verge)
2024-02-28 16:07:59

Widzę, że Aiswei (producent falowników) eksperymentuje z wysyłaniem maili z alertami.
Dwa dni temu dostałem pierwsze alerty, i maile były całkiem po chińsku.
Wczoraj dostałem alerty, w których temat maila był po chińsku, a treść po angielsku.
Dzisiaj dostałem alerty, które były całkiem po angielsku!
jestem ciekaw, co dostanę jutro…
2024-02-28 16:31:47

No entiendo a la gente que sigue ahí "porque tiene mucha difusión"
2024-04-26 14:42:26

C'est tellement triste que la culture québécoise peut disparaître comme ça. Tellement de bons matériels qui est disponible absolument absolument nulle part. Souvent la seule place pour trouver certaines choses sont sur les sites pirates, et quand le site ferme beaucoup disparait. Je pense pas que l'entreprise privée peut régler ce genre de problème ça prend du leadership au gouvernement.
Répertoire des films disparus
2024-03-28 17:52:03

Fair Wayne Bryant served 23 years in prison for attempting to steal 3 pairs of hedge clippers before he was paroled.
2024-04-26 14:35:04

It's very early days with AI devices but i think the Rabbit R1 does a great job not failing completely from the start like the AI pin did. I will wait for the next generation however.
2024-02-24 16:26:20

In Reddit's S-1, Steve Huffman offers a look at the site's beginnings without naming cofounder Alexis Ohanian, reflecting their schism during the BLM protests (Paresh Dave/Wired)
2024-02-24 16:26:20

In Reddit's S-1, Steve Huffman offers a look at the site's beginnings without naming cofounder Alexis Ohanian, reflecting their schism during the BLM protests (Paresh Dave/Wired)
2024-03-28 10:35:41

At a DC event on May 1, over 100 tech CEOs and investors plan to lobby against AI regulation, ask to relax immigration rules, and drum up hawkishness on China (Cecilia Kang/New York Times)…